I cannot believe the year that 2018 was. I entered it afraid I couldn’t top 26 and once again, I’m not sure I can top 27. Just kidding, I’m getting married this year so that’s going to be hard to top. I got a promotion and am starting 2018 in a brand new role that I get to develop and make my own. We got engaged. I hosted the first ever Maggie Sottero Pop-Up event with Dress Gallery in Wichita which has let to the wonderful story of my wedding dress. I really blossomed into being the best version of myself I think that I have ever experienced.
And like clockwork, I’m worried and excited by the chance to have a brand new chapter in my life. So many beautiful blank pages that I have absolutely no idea what to make the first few about. What is the right first move? Is the fear of fear paralyzing me from being all I can be?

Dress: Similar, Similar | Shoes: Jimmy Choo, similar, similar | Tights: Exact | Bag: Burberry (smaller version)

Dress: Similar, Similar | Shoes: Jimmy Choo, similar, similar | Tights: Exact | Bag: Burberry (smaller version)
I know that my new role is right for me. It’s literally what my passion projects are always about. So why do I feel some hesitation? Is it because I’m still working on some of the things I’m comfortable with but I know I have outgrown, but my mind knows it’s comfortable so I cling to that? In an honest moment I am afraid of starting. But then, I think of this quote that got me through a tough period.
“What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?”
– Erin Hanson
– Erin Hanson
By the end of the year I’m going to be married and have a new team working with me. As well as a million other things I don’t know about I’m sure or couldn’t even dream of. I’m so excited about those unknown things because I couldn’t have even dreamed of how great 27 was going to be even if I had control of it. It’s all so fresh and so new and I have to take that and make it great.

Dress: Similar, Similar | Shoes: Jimmy Choo, similar, similar | Tights: Exact | Bag: Burberry (smaller version)
Sometimes I worry about writing these posts. I know that people from work read them and I never want them to doubt my ability. I just need these really honest moments with myself. A place to be able to say I have no idea what I’m going to do and right now I’m not even sure how to figure it out but I know that I am GOING to figure it out. But I know that quite frankly, so many people believe and see so much more in me than I do in myself. Maybe a sad statement, but the truth. People are much kinder to me than I am to myself.
I just know that I am so excited for this next chapter, but I don’t quite know how to write the first few pages. And honestly? I think that a lot of us feel this way at the beginning of every year. So much pressure to define the year within the first few days. Everyone is resolving to change who they are yet not letting life tell you where you need to be, which is 100% probably better for you than where you want yourself to be, because you need to be there for a greater purpose. I just want you to feel okay if you aren’t sure how to write those first few days, weeks or literally, words.
2019 will be a fabulous year for you, congrats again on your engagement and as always you look fabulous.
Meg @ Closet Fashionista
I know exactly what you mean. 2018 was a great year for me too and now going into 2019 I’m worried that it’s all going to fall apart for some strange reason. I know it won’t but that worry is still in the back of my mind
The important thing is to not let fear hold you back, which it already sounds like it won’t. I definitely need to take a page out of your book! Go get ’em, girl – I know you’ll do great things this year.
Love love love your honesty, my friend! I think deep down we all have similar feelings that we can relate to!
The Champagne Edit
First, your dress looks fabulous! Second, you will never fail at work – you will simply learn a better way to do things next time. Finally, congrats on your engagement! Marriage is challenging, but as long as you never go to bed angry (meaning talk it out first) and are honest – everything will work out.
I think you’re going to KILL IT! And, I think this quote speaks volumes. Got out there shine, girl! You always do! I can’t wait to follow along! XO
You have so many wonderful things in store for you this year! Why not always believe you have no where to go but up, that each passing year can only get better and better? If you believe it, then it will be so.
Chic on the Cheap
Again congratulations on your engagement! I remember your post so well with all the cute pictures with your fiance 🙂 also, I hope this year will be even better than you expect.
PS. Love the dress!
Linda Quinones
Alissa, I adore this post and needed to read it so thank you so much for being vulnerable and sharing. First things first, congrats on your upcoming wedding and all your success at work. I love your honesty and I get how you feel about opening up and having people from work read. My teammates are also very aware of my blog and it makes me nervous to hit publish on certain posts. I really appreciated your honesty and yet still your positivity. Sending you so much love and good vibes and I can not wait to see where 2019 takes you and the amazing content you create.