Yes, you are seeing that correctly, my dog has a toy wine bottle and avocado toast toy. Did you expect anything less from my dog? She’s got a reputation living with me that she has to uphold. I can’t have my dog not display the best taste in nappaw wineries and millennial toasts. Although perhaps if I had less of those toasts she would have a backyard. (Ahem, economists, I haven’t had avocado toast for 2.5 months so why am I not rich yet?)
First, if you’re on this page because you googled what to get a new dog owner, you’re already the best. For instance, when my own best friend went with me to meet Eleanor, she claimed dibs on sending her a gift first. I have an absolute love of getting and giving gifts. Anytime there’s a gift-giving occasion I get excited dreaming up new ideas. However, I never thought about what to get any new four-legged family members. So today here’s my ideas for what to get a new dog owner that they are sure to LOVE and be very thankful for.

Fun Dog Toys
If you think dog toys aren’t needed, think again. Much like a child, the initial costs of being a new pet or dog owner has a high price tag. Some of my favorite fun dog toys? Napaw Wine toy and Avocado toast squeaker. Here’s an entire page of ridiculous dog toys you didn’t know you needed in your life. You and your dog are welcome in advance.

Pet Camera
As most new dog owners know, you are targeted by the Furbo from the moment you even think about adopting a dog. While The concept of being able to give my dog a treat is great, I really just need to be able to look in on her and make sure she isn’t upset. This $35 camera was the perfect solution and it was so easy to set up. It’s a great, thoughtful gift and not just another dog toy. Give this gift and you’ll be a hero.

New Dog Owner Basket
The most obvious answer to what to get a new dog owner is a gift basket like this! You can definitely cheat it a little if you already have a pet. Here’s some things you probably have on hand that will save them a few trips to the store.
- Buddy Biscuits
- Waste Bags
- Training Treats
- Cleaning Wipes
- Vitamins
- Extra Long Leash

Storage Baskets (With a Gift Inside!)
First step, get the dog. Second, keep the dog happy. Third, keep the dog out of trouble. I love giving gifts in a basket because they are like a bonus gift. I use storage baskets to hide Eleanor’s stuff in plain site and keep it easily accessible for me but away from her. This basket goes underneath her bowls and helps me stay organized. Way better than getting a gift bag that will be thrown away.
At the end of the day, no matter what you get a new dog owner, they are going to be incredibly grateful for it. The first week with Eleanor was a complete blur. If you think you’re prepared, just wait, most likely any new dog parents is going to end up doing a million runs for things you keep forgetting.
P.S. Eleanor wants to say again thank you to everyone who sent her a gift! She loves playing with her toys and her treats have been a huge help in her achieving her training goals.
Eleanor looks like she is enjoying her new toys! I know not every one will have a small dog, but the one gift I gave to a new dog owner was a pearl leash (like the one I had for chloe) because it’s a gift for the dog, but really for the owner. Who doesn’t love a chic leash?
Last week I was boarding a dog and bought a wine bottle toy so he would have something new and exciting to play with at my house. He destroyed it in about 20 minutes.