My boss didn’t say hi. That’s how I knew something was wrong.
I’ve often thought about when I was going to be ready to write about this. You didn’t know any of this was happening because I was blogging through it. In fact, I was going through a very, very rough break-up at the exact same time that I lost my job and was trying to blog like everything was normal, because I just needed one thing in my life to be normal. (You can see that here, here and here) At times I never thought I would be able to look back and smile. Other times I knew it was going to happen.

Dress: Old Navy (Large, they sell this version of the dress every season!) / Jacket: Very Similar (Large)/ Shoes: Similar and Sandal Version/ Bag: Kate Spade (similar on massive sale!) / Earrings: Similar
I can write this now with a smile, because I know how it ends and I’m ready to share that day.
The Day it Happened
I knew something was wrong. I’ve always prided myself on being able to read people and situations better than most, but sometimes that feeling is a curse. My boss didn’t say good morning. That’s how I knew something was happening. I walked up and back down the hallway of the modern, natural-lit hallway of my dream office. I walked by his office. Nothing. I sat down in mine. I took a breath and then I firmly walked into his office and asked, “What’s was wrong, I know something is, so don’t tell me it isn’t.”
All of the sudden it felt like I had the wind taken out of me and I was having an out of body experience. I nodded my head like I knew what was happening. All I remember was signing something, clarifying that I was going to have a severance package, letter of recommendation and that I could have some time to get my things. I walked back to my office and sat down. People were walking in, arriving for the day, and I smiled like nothing was wrong. My friend who got me the job walked in and I just stared at her and told her what happened. We then just stared at the ground.
I had been told I was being let go and to get my stuff before 8 am.
I had a tray in my desk and I put what I could on there. Please tell me how one can make it not be obvious one is packing up my desk at 9 am. But then again, there is no way to not be obvious what is happening when you are packing up your desk. I had to make two trips. I just wanted out and to not see anyone I knew. But of course I saw everyone I could possibly see.
I didn’t cry and didn’t get angry. Instead I just felt numb inside. Work had been the only retreat from the breakup. And now that was gone. It was so much more than a job to me. That office meant so much to me after my post-college job search. I thought I was who I wanted to be at that job.
I drove home, but I remember nothing about it. I just remember clutching a letter of recommendation and a severance package, wondering what I did wrong. And I wondered how many people knew what was going to happen and smiled at me for days.
Two people I found out knew I was being let go. And they greeted me that morning and asked how I was doing. I still do not understand how you can have the balls to asking someone you know is about to be laid off how they are doing.
I walked into the apartment and ugly cried. Picked up the phone to call my mom and told her I didn’t have a job and I didn’t know what happened. I realized that I had a pair of boots shipping to the office the next day and I was going to have to go back. I literally cried while staring at the ceiling for hours. Then, I realized that I really didn’t have a reason to wake up tomorrow. Except for the boots. Those were great boots.
Then the little things sunk in. I had to call Verizon to have my phone removed from the company plan the same day I was let go.
“What’s the reason?” – the unassuming rep ask me.
“I don’t actually know. I just know that I lost my job.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.”
I had to call my dad to ask him to add me back into the family plan. Such tiny things stung. For months.

Dress: Old Navy (Large, they sell this version of the dress every season!) / Jacket: Very Similar (Large)/ Shoes: Similar and Sandal Version/ Bag: Kate Spade (similar on massive sale!) / Earrings: Similar
Looking back, um there were a lot of things wrong with that place. Other people lost their jobs out of nowhere. The place ended up being a misogynistic hell. The girl who helped get me the job ended up in a lawsuit for wrongful termination when she reported sexual harassment. It was clear you had to be pretty to get by. Everything was political, down to the amazing snack selection in the break room. To be fair, they did have an amazing break room with snacks galore and my office was pretty sweet.
I ended up moving back home, which was perfect timing because of some other things happening. Had I stayed there, I don’t think I would have been able to truly get back on my feet. With the break-up and the job loss, it was time for a reset and I had to figure out what I wanted in life.

Dress: Old Navy (Large, they sell this version of the dress every season!) / Jacket: Very Similar (Large)/ Shoes: Similar and Sandal Version/ Bag: Kate Spade (similar on massive sale!) / Earrings: Similar
How I Bounced Back (What to do after losing a job)
I wish there was a five-step plan I could write out about what to do after losing a job. I wish I could tell you that I instantly just had this amazing experience in which I found myself. None of that happened. Instead I think that I mentally have blacked out the months after this. But I did do some things which helped me.
- As Drake would say, “Know yourself, know your worth.” Figure out your worth, outside of your job. This is something that I struggle with even when having a job, much less when I lost it! I needed to figure out what I was outside of a job. Who was I? What do I like to do other than work? What do I bring to the table independent of a job.
- Update LinkedIn and your resume to think about what you truly wanted out of my next job. It’s such a cliche thing to do, but I really did feel like I had some sort of purpose when I did it.
- Smile and enjoy the tiny things. Grocery shopping at 2 pm? Um, that is like a luxury for someone who was working 8 – 5. I didn’t tell myself it was freedom because I thought it was just because I had failed that I was buying sad cereal at 2:30 pm.
- Allow yourself to feel how you feel. I am a firm advocate to listening to how you feel. Ignoring sadness isn’t healthy for you and it’s important for you to process all feelings in order to be able to deal with things.
- Laugh at yourself. I have a tendency to always be serious and not take a joke about myself, but since I was at a low-point, I kind of couldn’t help but laugh. The more I laughed at myself and in general the easier it got.
- Understand sometimes you have to just take a job to get by. This isn’t about pride, it’s about bills. Sometimes you just have to take a job to get you by and sometimes that job can turn into new opportunities. Temp agencies aren’t as bad as you think, especially if you have marketable skills, many are great for transitioning into a full-time job.
All of these things took time. What to do after losing a job doesn’t have to be so seemingly insurmountable. It feels like for each point it took at least three months. Everyone I’ve ever talked to about this or who has had a similar experiences had said the same sucky thing. It takes time. Things do work out. Sometimes you have to get to your low to know when you are at your high. Without the sadness and pain of this experience, I would never know how great my life is now.
Oh I’m sorry Alissa, that must have been such a hard time for you, the only good thing about hard times is that they ever last forever and we often come out even stronger.
Rachel Heffington
Wow, Alyssa. This is such an honest post and one that I can learn a lot from. I haven’t *lost* my job but I’m transitioning out of it (going MAJORLY part-time) in order to pursue some freelance dreams that may fly or fail. And the news hasn’t gone over TERRIBLY well with my workplace, and since I am still going to be there a handful of hours a week, I’m afraid of the awkward in between. Thanks for your honesty and for writing this. <3 Much love.
Closet Fashionista
First off, I love the dress.
And now to the meat of the post – I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I have never lost a job but I know it must be horrible. But it was a learning experience and you’ve grown so much since then! Sometimes the universe knows we need something big to happen in order to be the person we were meant to be. I’m actually about to move back in with my parents in a couple months because my cousin is selling the house I currently live in and moving to a town that I don’t want to live in. So it’s back home until I figure out my next steps…whether its finding a friend to live with or maybe even moving out of state. Scary! But, I think it was meant to happen right now since so much is changing.
Oh no I am so sorry you had to go through so many rough moments around the same time. I am really glad though that you were able to figure out how to get back to your feet. It took time, but you did it girl and that is something to be proud of!
Thanks for sharing your story. I got laid off from my first job after doing really well there, and it was such a shock. It felt like everything was going to fall apart, but it all led to better things.
I’m so sorry that this happened to you! I love how honest you are here, and I’m glad that you were able to get back on your feet.
I was let go from my first job with basically no explanation too. It really does make you reevaluate what you’re looking for in a job and in a company, and while it sounds cheesy to say it’s probably the best thing that could have happened because I landed in a much better situation. Glad things are on the up and up for you!
Kristina does the Internets
You look stunning in all of these pictures! Love the outfit.
Isn’t That Charming.
Love this post! While i wasn’t fired, I left my job of 4 years and really really struggled this last year career wise. It’s been pretty miserable honestly but I was just offered a job that I start in a few weeks and I’m feeling hopeful. Thanks for keeping it real and sharing your ups and downs with us. Xoxo
That is the worst feeling! When I lost my job, I ate an entire bowl of brownie mix! It was a tough day! I loved my job!
Stylin In St. Louis
I can totally relate. I’ve had my job eliminated and offered severance before and it is not a great feeling. I had that same out of body reaction! It doesn’t happen overnight, but like you, I’m in a much better place now. Isn’t it funny how sometimes we can’t see the craziness going on around us until we step outside of the situation? Thanks for keeping it real here!
Nicole to the Nines
Oh girlfriend, I’m so sorry you had such terrible things happen to you. I love how you were able to write about it now and realize it was probably for the best. I also loved how you said moving back home was like a reset on your life. I can totally relate to that as well! Thanks for sharing this, Alissa! xx
Pink Champagne Problems
There’s that saying- when it rains, it pours. And it’s so TRUE and it absolutely SUCKS.
Through all of it, though, you somehow find your grit and end up on the other side, stronger and more battle-tested. It blows a big one getting to that place, but you do.
Really brave to share this, lady!
Le Stylo Rouge
Bless you for writing about this. And yes, yes, YES to being able to laugh at yourself! Life gets about 50% easier when we don’t take ourselves too seriously.
I think how people recover from their low points really shows who they are. Being let go from a job always feels devastating, even if now you can look back and realize that wasn’t a good place for you, the sting of feeling inadequate isn’t easy to deal with. I’m so happy you are doing well now and have reached the point where you can look back at this low time and talk about far you’ve come.
Chic on the Cheap
Whitney Damrau & Blaire Bingham
It’s so hard to go through so much all at once. You’re outlook on things and drive to move forward is so amazing. I remember reading your post when you moved out of your parents and into your new apartment and i was so proud of you! There’s going to be a lot more bumps along the road, it’s how you handle them that make you the person you are.
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I am really really sorry you went through this. I lost my job almost a year and a half ago – and to be honest, it still stings, and I’m still bitter and angry about it. I’ve tried to let those feelings go – but it’s really hard. I truly appreciate your honesty in talking about this. It’s still hard for me to talk about my experience, even though I did nothing wrong and nothing to warrant losing my job. I’m glad to hear you are doing better – upwards! 🙂