Hey you guys, I have something to confess. I’m not a deep person. “Uh duh! You blog about CLOTHES for goodness sakes!” is probably what you are thinking. I know, I know. I was having breakfast with my bestie the other day and I just said it, ” I like clothes, I like money, I like photos, I like shopping and I’m not afraid to say it.” Sure I can have deep conversations and I’m not completely a ditz but I love being girly, I’m materialistic and that is just me. I have no other explanation for it.
I know once again I am going to sound crazy but I feel like in blogs there is pressure to make something more of ourselves, like we need to balance out blogging about clothing. Which is completely fine if you do that, heck, I sometimes even do that. I’m just tired of feeling like I have to be deep and always have some profound statement. You guys, I’m a 21 year old who is in college, I love shoes, I care too much about labels and I love working out because I like to stay fit. It’s just me.
Always Maylee
No need to apologize! You should blog for you, and post about what you love. For some people it's shoes, for others it's their personal lives, and for some it's deeper topics. To each his own, I say! 🙂
xo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Your top is so cute, I love the sleeves! And no judgement here lol 🙂
Maria DaintyandDecadent
I like your way of thinking 🙂
Dainty and Decadent
Nothing wrong with your way of thinking! Thanks so much stopping by my blog and commenting! Newest follower!
Leopard and Lillies
I don't think there is anything wrong with that, you're young, be young!
Ali Hval
GIRL I love that you just said this. I am totally the same way. Yes, I am a fashion blogger and thus love clothes, shopping, and things in general (I'm materialistic, too, oh well!) but hey, that doesn't mean that's all there is! Seriously, props for putting this out there.
Anyway, these are gorgeous pictures of you. You've got such big, pretty eyes and your hair is so lovely and curly! The lace on that top is such good detail.
PS) Thanks for your sweet comment. 🙂 Peter pan collars really are a fun trend–so cute! <3
The Preppy Student
I love that last photo. d'ont worry Im not too deep either and as much as I dont like to be I am a little label-excentric. Your gorgeous and reading your blog posts I feel like Im getting to know you! Have a happy Tuesday and be sure to check out my giveaway ending very soon.
Coffee and Cardigans
That's part of the fun of blogging – it gets to be about you and what you love! This outfit is really adorable, and so are the photos. You've got me wanting to rock heels and shorts for the rest of summer!
Beth Dunn
You look marvi. Being materialistic is helpful throughout your entire life!
Such a cute shirt!
A's Fashion Files
I think people assume I am deeper than I really am, sometimes. I'm pretty simple. I like to shop. It's an addiction. I love working out because I love being strong. I like sports because it is an outlet for all of my energy. School bores me because I am entirely too hyper to sit still for long periods of time.
That's about it.
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
love the summery top!!! xO!
umm love this post! honestly sometimes When I am writing a post I am just like I have nothing to say….and I feel like I need to sound witty but all I really want to do is go to bed haha. I love it! totally can relate
love from San Francisco,
pretty little things
I'm right with you – my blog is all about the fun stuff in life that interest me and I love. So what if it's about clothes, shopping and food?? that's why we read blogs right?! xo
No need to apologize, I love clothes, shopping, and money too. I work out and blog about clothes. It makes me happy =)
Cuteness….. lovely easy casual look here….
Ana Carneiro
Don't worry, if everyone were to change now, a lot of the people who depend on people like us to shop would be unemployed xD
My Own Project
Fash Boulevard
oh my goodness, you so beautiful and I totally know what you mean. Don't worry about being deep, just keep looking fabulous! If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest trend report and my big news regarding Lauren Conrad. xo
I love to shop and it seriously baffles me when I meet someone who doesn't give a damn about shopping. Love that top on you.
Robyn Litchfield
Oh my heavens, that top with your skin tone is flawless. Like your blog. Following!
You totally do not have to balance out the fashion side of your blog with anything else. A person is made to pursue what they're passionate about and excites them and fulfills them so to for it and continue not apologizing for it!
Gabriela and Chris
Cute top, I like it!