I honestly do not know how much longer we can go on like this. Every week there’s something happening that divides us even more. I honestly sometimes can’t push out a post because it feels so wrong to talk about light and fun stuff where there is so much heaviness in the world. Is it disrespectful to try and keep things light with so much going on? All I know is that I am just so tired. I think we all are. So tired from the constant news cycle, the fighting and the realizing how problematic so many people we once admired.
I think the worst part is that all the things show me how people respond and their true colors. On the flip side, it’s been great because I’veĀ been able to see that and invest myself into the relationships that I respect. I’m no longer just silently tolerating hate. I’m not your silent friend who just will let you say what you say and excuse it, we’re done. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. I’d rather be a bad person than to let you think that my silence is agreement.
Can we just literally for one weekend all unplug or like I don’t know, play with puppies so we can all have an attitude change? I KNOW this is not the permanent fix but, can we please become human again? When did we get so mean? (I think I do know when, but that’s not a can of worms I want to open.) What if we can never go back, is the line in the sand? Do we just keep going downhill from here? It’s no wonder fewer people are having kids, I have no desire to introduce a kid into this world.
I don’t have a grand plan for this post. It’s more of a plea for anyone to listen to me. Is anyone else feeling like this? I feel like everything is just so heavy right now that if you are happy, you feel guilty for it. (See my post on the guilt of happiness.)
Alissa, an exhausted human who hopes we get better.
There are periods in life which are just a combination of all the worst things. I feel overwhelmed sometimes as well. Had many times when all relationships were going very badly at once and I felt as overwhelmed as you do now. To be honest, those moments feel like forever, but they will pass. Don’t worry and keep your head up high, brighter times will come.
I know how you feel. Hugs, friend. We are, indeed, all in this together.
Courtney Hardy
I totally agree with you. It seems like we always have to be plugged in, and always getting informed of stuff going on and we never get a break.
totally agree. I actually turned off my news updates on my phone, which I’m pretty sure is not a part of the solution but I couldn’t handle it anymore. on another note, my friend recommended a book called factfulness: ten reasons why things are better than you think. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_11?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=factfulness&sprefix=factfulness%2Caps%2C752&crid=17FCJ745WAW9G
I don’t think it’s bad to be happy when things around you aren’t going so well. If everything around you is all doom and gloom and you think a little happiness is what the world needs why would it be wrong for you to be that happiness? Kinda like your “Be the content you want to see” post.
If you’re not feeling happy and cheery then don’t force it. But if you are feeling happy why hide it? It might help someone else feel a little better or help restore their faith in humanity so they can then act a little more human themselves. You can’t do positive things without a positive mind set and you won’t find good things unless you look for them. I personally think that part of our problem is that everyone focuses on the bad things and never the good. And when someone does want to talk about good things everyone tells them they’re selfish, or they’re clueless, or naive. But have the people who spend all their time wallowing in the misery of the world ever really fixed anything? Considering the rising suicide rates, I would think not. I heard the other day (I can’t remember where) that pessimists think optimists lack information, but optimists know pessimists lack power.
I’m sorry that this has turned into a novella (I’m kind of a rambler) but I just want you to know that things will get better if happy people keep being happy people and keep trying to find (and do) good things. You seem like such a sweet person and I’d hate to see such a bright light be extinguished.
I hope you start feeling better soon. And thank you for all the wonderful posts!