My time at KU has flown by. You always think you will have more time but you won’t. I realized that this weekend after my final presentation. I realized that presentation was my last in my undergrad career and suddenly I realized that I had basically closed a chapter in my life. There wasn’t anymore time. So I went out with my friends that night and danced like I haven’t danced in years. Why? Because I had put it off. Always saying I would do it later but right now I have homework. Suddenly I didn’t have homework. I just had time to dance the last time.
So as I go into finals this week I’m not dreading them. I’m smiling because I’ve had my time in college and it’s been wonderful. It’s where I became who I wanted to me and where I learned who I am. It’s where I’ve cried, laughed, screamed and everything in-between. I don’t have to close this chapter this week but I know it’s time. So here’s to the final week of undergrad.
Alissa you have put everything into words just how it is. Wonderfully said. I wish you best of luck! I know you will do fantastic!!!I know! You're wonderful and beautiful person. I love your beautiful smile, it brighten up many people days, I'm sure. Love this pairing of KU Tee and distressed jeans, so cool and put together. Happy Monday darling!
xoxo Ra
Rachelle (
Congrats Alissa! This is such a big deal, really relax and enjoy this new chapter you are about to embrace. Good luck on your finals.
PS: Remember to link-up with Charnele and I today!
Congrats, so exciting! I hope you enjoy your last week!
Congrats Alissa! It has been so exciting for you, good luck on your finals!
Time always has this way of escaping from your grasp. I'm glad you were able to go out dancing that one time before you will say good bye to these friends. I hope at least a few of them stay in your life forever. Congrats on making it to your finals, good luck!
Chic on the Cheap
Shannon Jenkins
Congrats girl!!! And good luck on your new chapter in life! You're going to kill it!
Love this outfit and how you dressed up your school shirt with a blazer! So cute!
<3 Shannon
Bree Alwin
Love your outfit the blazer is gorgeous!
Congrats on nesting the end of college. I understand how scary that must feel but you are also making your dreams come true so exciting as well!
My final week of college was such a bizarre time, but so much fun. Enjoy your last week!!
It's such a crazy and exciting time! Make the most of your last week and don't fear the unknown, you've got this!
26 and Not Counting
Enjoy your last week!! You look super adorable, I love your shoes.
Kristina does the Internets
Takei Inspired
Love the tee shirt! Congrats and enjoy your last week of undergrad it only happens once (well for the most part lol) unless you decide to get a second undergrad degree okay I'm rambling…Congrats!
Rachel Lynne
Nothing better than dancing the night away with girlfriends! I hope you enjoy your last week, and celebrate with those close to you! Congrats girl!
Alexandra Lif
Starting a new chapter is always so scary and exciting. It's always going to be bitter sweet but that is what life is all about! You are so radiant in these pictures, really friendly and approachable. I LOVE your sense of style, and the way you combine formal (blazer) with comfort (baggy jeans), it's so nicely balanced!
Oh hello, Love
Congratulations!! Graduating from college is such an exciting and sad time all at once. I have no doubt you'll do well in whatever comes next so enjoy this last week with all the friends you've made!!
Congrats! I loved college – definitely miss it, but it's so great getting to work and doing what you love!
The Style Scribe
Finals- the last push before the big walk down the hill!
You can dooooo this! (I feel like I shout this at you constantly, but I know it/believe it.)
I remember feeling completely overwhelmed by my college career being over. KU was my home for 4 years, and it was really odd to close that chapter and pack up + leave not only for the summer, but forever.
Wishing you much luck this week- you're gonna smash it! Catch-up date soon?
Congrats! College was one of the best times of my life and I do miss it!
The Tiny Heart
Ladies in Navy
a massive congratulations to you, lady! you're a rockstar and this is a huge accomplishment. cherish the final moments, but i will let you in on a secret – college is hardly the best of times. what's best comes afterward. it's a gorgeous, wonderful world out here and we're waiting for you to join us!!
Ladies in Navy
Lindsay Truax
Love your outfit! Congrats.
Ginny MyNewFavoriteOutfit
Yay, you're almost done!!!!
Enjoy your last week of college! You are probably more than ready to get the heck out of there now, but you will miss it! I was not sad at all when I graduated. I graduated early (december) and did not care at all when everyone went back to school in January, but when everyone went back in the fall I was so sad! College is a great place. Enjoy your last week and enjoy graduation!!! You deserve it!
YAY! Congrats! Seriously… Take it all in and enjoy it as much as possible. Graduation is so amazing and then POOF its gone. Now I look back on it 4 years later and I'm like, tight… I'm old haha!
Eleventh & Sixteenth
Amanda Elizabeth - Meet @ the Barre
I am obsessed with your blazer and those heels!!! So gorgeous!
High Heels & Good Meals!
Awww….this post made me a little misty-eyed! Oh how i miss college!!! You are so right…This month marks the 10 year anniversary of me graduating from college (Man I feel old) and you are spot on. I'm only really close friends with a couple of people but I'll never forget those I met while in school and all of the great memories! Congratulations and best of luck to you in any endeavor you take on. CUTE CUTE CUTE outfit by the way!!!
Lauren {Fizz and Frosting}
This is such an exciting time – congratulations, Alissa! Soak up that last week!
Because Shanna Said So
So excited for you and your next phase. College was the best time of my life and I am still friends with so many of my girls from those days. Good luck this week!!! Bring on a new chapter!!
Angela Muir
this makes me miss my college days. Its such a fun time! but you have so much ahead of you girl! i'm excited to see where you go and what amazing things you do. p.s love the re-design the blog looks fabulous!
Kayla Gilbert
Congratulations! Super excited for you!! : )
I love this outfit! The shoes are a dream! I need them in my life. You look so natural and so cute and yet have the best style ever. Fantastic!!! XOXO, Sissi
Enjoy this time and congratulations! Walking down the hill is such an awesome feeling. You did it!!!
Anna Belle
Congratulations on being so close to finished! Plus, that outfit is adorable – I love the graphic tee/blazer combination!
by BUN
such a great attitude and outlook on your last week…savor every moment. congrats! xo
Krysten Gautreaux
What a crazy exciting time for you. Congratulations lady!
Pamela {Sequins and Sea Breezes}
Aww that's awesome! Congrats and enjoy the last week!
<3, Pamela
Congratulations girl!! As always, you look amazingly put together! And that red handbag??? To DIE for! Those shoes are so adorable too!
Good luck on finals!! You look amazing – those jeans are so sexy
Sara Strauss {Sincerely, Sara}
Congrats, Alissa!! Yay! I'm still friends with some of my college friends! One lives nearby, so we see each other often (I'm actualy seeing her tomorrow before work!) and another we email every few weeks to catch up! I hope you can still call some of your college buddies friends years from now too!
Adri Lately
Congrats girl! Enjoy your last week. Maybe with a little more dancing;)
xo Adri
Congrats- you're almost done! I vividly remember my last few weeks of college. The finals can be stressful, but try to enjoy the rest of it
Stylin' In St. Louis
Enjoy your last week!
I am SO excited for you Alissa! Savor this last week, and, of course, CONGRATS!
Amy Shaughnessy
Aw! Congrats on being finished. Good luck to you in your new chapter of life.
Fashion and Beauty Finds
How Gorgeous Jewelry
Steph Anie
Inspirational post! Congratulations on graduating. Big transitions (like this one) can be tough, but you have a good mentality about it!
love ur jeans and what an inspirational post- congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!
YAY!!! You are almost there!! Hang in there. Just relax and don't stress. Congrats on almost being done!
Nice outfit! I like the graphic tee!
xo T.
Kenya Hunter
Congratulations Alissa! Such a great milestone in your life!! You are almost there! Your look today is so appropriate! Cute!
xo, Kenya
Charnele Michel
Congrats you did it! Wishing you all the best! BTW love this screen tee blazer combo!
Thanks for linking up on our #HowISummer link-up!
Cha Cha
BonBon Rose Girls Kristin
Love the blazer and tee combo! And p.s. As fabulous as college is, the best is yet to come. I promise!
Sonya Mann
Such a big change! Congrats on being almost done, Alissa
Chic Trends
A big congratulations to you and best of luck in your post-college future! We know you'll be at least very stylish! Xx
Tania Franco
Congratulations on your graduation! I just found your blog through the link up on Pink Sole, love it! I am your new follower on G+ and Bloglovin. Hooe you will check out my blog and follow me back.
Much Love,
Danielle Doerr
I can't believe you're almost done with your last week of college — AHHH so exciting!!