My eyes are at a breaking point. They are tired of looking at big screens and as a reward getting to look at the small screen. So I turned to you all on Instagram to get ideas for your favorite screen-free activities. You. Did. Not. Disappoint. In fact, over 40 (Yes, 40!!) of you commented that you were also feeling this screen fatigue and suggested your favorite screen-free activities.

30 Screen-Free Activities
I’ll share on Instagram in a graphic so you can bookmark (yes, ironic screen time) them. But, as recommended by the Honestly Relatable community, here are 30 screen-free activities to try this weekend.
- Go for a long drive.
- Try crossword puzzles.
- Put together a physical puzzle.
- Clean and organize your home.
- Pick reading up again! (This was the most common one and there’s an amazing list on this post.)
- Cooking or baking! Try more complicated recipes on the weekends when you have more time.
- Coloring books, drawing or painting.
- Try diamond panting.
- Paint by numbers for adults.
- Coloring books for relaxation.
- Learn a new language.
- Learn or resume playing an instrument.
- Needlepoint or cross-stitch! (There are some really fun patterns here)
- Learn lettering or calligraphy.
- Paint your nails.
- Listen to an audiobook while on getting coffee to go and taking yourself on a mini date.
- Send someone a card. (You all know how I feel about this!)
- Start a journal or find a way to write to process your emotions.
- Write down 20 things you’re thankful for.
- Go for a hike (most likely any geographical version has hiking trails).
- Find outdoor hobbies like cycling, running, power walking, cross-country, etc.
- Start a garden (I’ll be doing that this May for the first time!) or plant flowers.
- Meal prep for the week.
- Try knitting or crocheting while listening to music.
- Call, yes, call, a friend and have a leisurely catch-up session.
- Create door drop gifts (check out this post for ideas) and ding dong dash your friends!
- Take yourself out to (an outdoor) lunch and just take time to absorb the sights and sounds you are experiencing.
- Reset your house! Rearrange your furniture, do your laundry, have a power hour.
- Organize your clothing and create a week’s worth of outfits to eliminate the morning hassle of deciding what to wear.
- Enjoy a restful night’s sleep, fall asleep without your phone or TV on.
- Take a long, relaxing shower where you wash your hair, shave, exfoliate, alllllll the stuff. (Don’t forget this.)
- Wake up for the sunrise or enjoy the sunset and don’t take photos if it. Just enjoy the peace and calm of the moment.
- Play would you rather.
- Make your own jewelry! Malas, waist beads, necklaces are all very popular right now.
What am I going to do this weekend? Shoot content, ride around Chicago (I love taking in the skyline from a parking garage rooftop), take Eleanor on a walk and blog! I try to make Saturday my busy day and Sunday is reserved for blogging and start the week of peacefully.