Growing up there was never a more sacred time of my day than 3 pm. Now, for most kids that would be the time that they got out of school, but since I was homeschooled, my day wasn’t typical. 3 pm was the blessed snack time that was approved by my mom. Not 2:55 pm, not 3:07 pm, but 3 pm sharp we all got excited. 3 pm would come around and by 3:05 pm the snacking was done. Like it had never ever happened.

The only other time of the day that was as exciting was 8 pm when we got a bedtime snack, but 3 pm was special to me. I would spend the house of 1 – 2 pm thinking about what snack I was going to chose. Then I would wait around. I once even changed the clocks in the house to be just five minutes faster when my mom was taking a nap. (My mom reads the blog so ahem, it was only once! And I changed them back) I wanted that snack.

I think that the very structured part of my life even carries over to snacks. We had three meals a day and two snacks. There was no in-between snacking. So when I went to college and there was like NO ONE to tell me I couldn’t have a 1 pm AND a 3 pm snack! Let me tell you, that was an exciting moment. In college I honestly didn’t snack that much. I did have some body image issues, but I just wasn’t being healthy when I was trying to lose weight. I did however find out the power of a good nap. And hence, my love of naps and snacks came together.
Of course, snacking has now changed as an adult. Turns out the bad thing about no one telling you that you can’t have like five snacks a day is that no one can tell you that you can’t have five snacks a day. Ahem. These are things no one tells you as an adult. However, no one told me that even as an adult, snacks are one of the best things in life.

In fact, I frequently have back-up snack options in my head when I am traveling or have a busy day. I’m known for my snack drawer at work. I have quite the variety of sweet and salty, savory or whatever ails people from flavored water to Goldfish. This drawer is magical and I wish I could have told younger me how much leverage you get from people when you are the snack queen. Pro tip: when starting your job, make sure you have a snack drawer, you’re going to be an integral part of the team VERY fast.
Also, am I the ONLY person who is STARVING for a snack as soon as you get up from a nap? Like I know that a nap was good based on how hungry I was when I woke up.The other day I had consumed gummy bears, an apple and some Sun Chips just to wake up! You would think I was waking up from hibernation and not a 30 minute nap.

So as I was shopping at Nordstrom Rack I was in line and I saw this naps and snacks shirt. I immediately got out of line and grabbed it. No need to try it on, sometimes you just know. And now it is my naps and snacks shirt. It’s legitimately one of the most comfortable shirts I own. 10/10 would recommend finding this and taking a nap in it.
Here’s to us all, that we may have more naps and snacks in our lives. (I am currently planning my 3 pm snack right now. Why is this an issue? It’s 10:04 pm the NIGHT BEFORE!) TELL ME YOU FAVORITE SNACKS! Inquiring minds (me) want to know!
I know this may sound weird but I’m not a snack person, I prefer big meals, so I just plan 3 big meals daily. I also don’t nap and plan to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night.
Omg this is why I love you…snacks and naps are MY FAVORITE THINGS EVER.
The Champagne Edit
molly | librarian style
Haha I am all about the snack drawer at work! Instant popularity. I like to keep pistachios and Haribou gummy bears around. And I love the Annie’s pretzel and cheddar snack mix. I would basically just prefer to have lots of little meals throughout the day and I’d rather have a snack buffet at a party! But naps, I never learned them. I was a terrible napper as a baby and it continues into adulthood. Love your silly and fun posts!
Mademoiselle Coconath
Great post dear! The pictures are so cute
Mademoiselle Coconath
lauren //
sadly, I could never nap as a child. I would lay on my mat with my eyes wide open, surveying all the other sleeping kids, thinking how do you people just fall asleep on command? I hated nap time. if only I get those naps back and use them now! love the shirt 🙂