Hey! This post has been sponsored by American Greetings. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for your support of The Adored Life!
This is an extra special post today and one that I am most proud of in my five years of blogging. Entertaining has become a huge part of my life and through that, I’ve become closer with my family. Mother’s Day is the perfect change to show not only my mom (who guest stars in this post! Yes, that red hair is natural!), but also sisters and mom-like people and thank them for the roles they have had in my life. And what better way to say thank you than a Mother’s Day brunch?

The mother/daughter relationship is one of the most land-mine filled relationships that cannot be described with how tricky they are. However, the importance of a mother and the mother-like people in my life has become a huge focus for me in the past few years. I’ve begun to realize that hey, mom was right about a few things. Yes, she does have good style (she consults me on it) and maybe those earrings I made fun of in the 80’s weren’t so bad. Maybe we should be in more photos together. Side note: WE SHOWED UP IN THE SAME EARRINGS WITHOUT MEANING TO! I haven’t done an amazing job of expressing how much my mom means to me, and I am glad that I got the chance to say it to her. I’ve been terrible about expressing to my loved ones how important they are to me and I am trying to fix this by continually making efforts to show my love and appreciation.

Simplify and Prioritize Your Planning
One of the best things that has ever happened is the ability to order online at Target and pick-up. I am not require to say that either! Not only does it keep me on-task, but I ordered what I needed in Wichita, when I was in Florida! I picked up my order on the way back from the airport and was able to focus on the rest of the brunch! Since I travel so much but also love to entertain, it’s truly one of the biggest hacks for planning (this Mother’s Day brunch and more!) and being able to manage my life. You can find your store here!

Most important to me about hosting this was that every place setting was carefully created, but also matched to each of my guests. I spent more time than I care to say in the Target card aisle looking at cards. So long that a Target employee asked me if I needed help making a decision. I wasn’t kidding when I said I spent a lot of time in the card section. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to find cards that fit each person but I was very happy when I found totally different, but perfect cards for each person in the Target card section. The cards needed to speak to my mom, sisters and other women who have had important roles in my life.
Making Mother’s Day Brunch Personal
Instead of a charger, I used fresh leaves to be the place setting and then used adorable, but disposable plates. To give it the custom feel, I wrote in the cards so that when they sat down, they had a card that not only matched their personality, but a personal note to start off the brunch feeling loved and appreciated. My sisters are incredible and they are not only some of the most creative women I know, but are entrepreneurial, smart and loving people I have in my life. Hence why I spent so much time in the Target card section!

I love all of the place settings, but these are just a few of my favorites. I loved that I was able to find cards at Target that really did speak to each of our relationships without feeling forced and it was a takeaway from the brunch. Cards have always been a staple in my family and I think that’s where I get my love from. My Mom and Dad both still have the cards we have given to them throughout the years (Five kids x a million years is a LOT of cards)!

I wanted the decor to be simple, but also creative so I focused on colorful food. I love doing skewers because they make a place setting come to life. They also are such a great way to save on table space for finger foods. My family and I share a love of dessert. Breakfast is the perfect excuse to have sugar at 10 am. Truly, even if we had nothing else in common, we would be friends based on our love of desserts. Mixing in some savory options keeps it from being a sugar-fest. (I would not judge you if it was just sugar. You do you.)

I hope you guys have lots of ideas for your own Mother’s Day brunch or celebration. Although this post was sponsored, it didn’t affect what I wanted to do for the women in my life. This Mother’s Day I have a huge appreciation for those women who are in my life and shown me love. Plus, I got to eat a bunch of donuts and who doesn’t want to do that? So basically what I am saying to do is:
Step 1: Check out the Target App for a Cartwheel offer on Mother’s Day greeting cards between
4/29 – 5/13
Step 2: Go to Target, look at their huge card selection.
Step 3: Take too long to decide because they are all too good.
Step 4: Make your Pinterest dreams come to life.
Step 5: Eat donuts and be merry!
Step 5: Tag me in your photos because I want to live vicariously through you!
Courtney Hardy
Those donuts look so good!!
What a thoughtful and beautiful brunch! I love love love that picture of you and your momma at the table. Brb gotta go to Target. xoxo
You are the queen of entertaining this is such a cute set up.
Meg @ Closet Fashionista
This looks like so much fun!! I need you to plan a party for me, haha! I suck at pulling together all the details
Alison at Wardrobe Oxygen
What a beautiful occasion and for what seems to be a beautiful woman. I love this post!
This is so beautiful! As a Target afficianado I reluctantly admit I haven’t used in-store pick up but you’ve inspired me! Anything to save time.
Elizabeth Ratcliffe
What a fun and creative way to celebrate anything really.
Love your dress.
Elizabeth Nolan
I love this blog post! It makes Mother’s Day fun and enjoyable, instead of a stress filled project.
Dana Mannarino
THESE PHOTOS ARE AMAZING! So adorable and I LOVE your tips, definitely bookmarking this post! The details you put into entertaining are so good!
The Champagne Edit
Alissa ….. I really enjoyed this “heart felt” post ! The picture of you and your mom – one can “hear” the laughter !!
You look GREAT !!!!
Tonya Morford
I loved this! It was beautiful to look at, heartwarming to read. And yes you do have a fabulous mother!
I love that we finally got to see your cute mom!!! Maybe I’m just crazy/nosy but I always want to see and learn everything about people’s families on their blogs.
Priya the Blog
You and your mom are so cute together, and your apartment is beyond perfect. I’d love to come over for brunch any day! Mother’s Day is a special day, to celebrate the amazing women in our lives, and I’m glad you found the perfect cards too (I’m a big lover of cards, like my mom 😉
Chic on the Cheap
Very nice!
I do have one question – not Mother’s Day related….
That DRESS !! Love it!
Do you mind if I asked where you got it?
Caitlin Fox
I loved this post! I found it via your moms website, and just had to read it. I also love being able to pick up groceries (and more) after ordering online. It helps me keep in task and even save money! That was just a side note, but I’m thankful for this post on making sure we honor our mothers in a respectful and loving way, even though we may feel as though we walk on eggshells quite often.