Over the last two years I’ve been trying to figure out what is my style. Every time I try to answer a style profile, describe it to someone or there’s a situation where I have to fit myself into a style. Yet while I couldn’t figure out that actual style, I inherently know when something is “me.”
And I realized that while I can’t figure out the conventional style profile that makes it easy to explain, people still say, “Oh that’s something you would wear!” or “I totally thought of you when I saw this.” and they are all smiling. So I started to think about it, and my style isn’t classic contemporary with a feminine edge or a weird word salad. It’s happiness.
Like, there’s elements of this outfit that are inherently me, my Jimmy Choos, ruffles and red. Those are three things about this outfit that make me smile. My style is what brings me joy and expresses who I am. And all this time of trying to figure who I am and what I wear is finally summed up in this, “I wear what makes me happy.” And I let go of staying within the boundaries of a set style and focused on figuring out what makes me happy. Sure Rebecca Taylor is definitely my go-to and pretty much exclusively makes me happy.
I just LIKE things right now and playing around. It’s so freeing to not be in a set style and instead figure out how I feel in something. I think that the pressure of also always being “on” with clothing really was starting to get to me. It’s silly because honestly we all know that we have those moments of praying no one sees you at Target because you are looking like trash. It’s not like we have to always be “on” but we put that pressure.
Oh and let’s not even discuss the disaster of the label “style blogger” which half the time means wearing a bunch of weird patterns together to be FASHUNNNN. Like, guys, let’s just be normal for a second. You can totally always be overdressed if that’s your thing (as well all know, I am that friend) but not feel the pressure to be THAT person.
And honestly, above all else, you should have fun with what you wear. Like I didn’t really let myself like pants before this year but now I’m seeing the fun of a good statement top and stilettos for a sexy date night. I have no idea what style this outfit is, but it’s Alissa and makes me happy.
So I hope that whatever you’re wearing now, this weekend or whenever, makes you happy not because of it’s style, but because it is inherently YOU. And that is what makes any outfit great.
yes to all of this. My style has changed over the years but I decided to embrace and just wear what makes me happy.
You look gorgeous in these photos! As a new 30-year-old, I can honestly say I still have zero clue what my style is. And, I honestly don’t care! I wear what I love and what makes me feel good. That’s all that matters!
Vavoom!! You saxy, sexy woman! Red on you is amazing, no wonder it makes you happy! And those shoes! Don’t even! I need to be you in this outfit for a few minutes to just feel the joy that pours out of your body. Love you darling!!
I thought we shed that definition years ago, and now fashion blogger means being a minimalist with designer bags and probably designer sneakers.
I think we feel the need to have a style because we imagine that life will somehow be better or easier if we do. But why not let ourselves be free to like what we like, and stop trying to put label on everything.
Chic on the Cheap
Yes, THANK YOU!!! I have no idea what my style is, and honestly, I don’t care. I just wear what I like! And, let’s be honest, what’s practical for my job.
I love this outfit on you – you look fabulous AND happy!!