Thank you notes have NOT gone away, in fact, they are more important than ever. Want a way to stand out from a job interview? Write a thank you note. Yes, it’s been advised by years but you would be shocked how few times this is actually done. An email is fine, but physical mail doesn’t have a million filters and keep you out of the inbox. Skips the filters and goes right to the desk. In fact, I had to write a hand-written letter for work when I wasn’t getting a response to emails and calls for an important pilot program I was trying to launch.
So today I’m going to show you the perfect formula that is easy to remember for the perfect thank you note. Oh and one more hard-to-navigate rule, when to send one is also addressed!
How to Write A Thank You Note
Writing a thank you card has a basic formula that will never fail you. Whether you’re writing to a friend or a colleague, you can use this formula for a thoughtful card. I try to make my notes have four – six sentences and then an intro and closing. Not too short, not too long.
The Formula…
- Intro
- Thank you for….
- Tell then what you are going to do with the gift (or experience, action, etc.)
- Say what it means to you and how much it meant to receive
- Add a personal sentence about what their action/gift/experience meant to you.
- End with a line of gratitude.
- Close and sign
When in doubt, “Sincerely” is the safest way to navigate anything being too personal or read extra meaning into something.

Thank You Note Examples
This is what a thank you note looks like for a close friend who just gave you a thoughtful gift. It’s important to me that Kara knows that her candle gift means a lot me, but even more important, I think of her every time I burn it. (This candle is very much made-up and is not in any way a hint to any of my friends. I promise.)

This is an example of a less personal thank you note to Sarah. This is a great way to write a note to a colleague that is personal but doesn’t cross weird boundaries. Also a great way to write a thank you note for a catch-up dinner or a meaningful conversation you have with someone.

Timelines for Thank You Cards
Here’s a handy guide to when thank you notes should be postmarked by. The old standard for wedding thank you cards was up to a year but that has been shortened. (I don’t make the rules I just like them and report them.) Remember, the longer it’s been and you’ve managed to post to social media yet not thank them for a gift, that is going to be a bbaaadddd look. Especially if you are posting about downtime or lots of leisure. It’s flat-out rude.

Batching thank you cards is a great way to get these done! Slow and steady wins the race and doesn’t make it feel so daunting. Plan your productive power hour and knock out more than you think possible using these tips!
Today’s how-to is brought to you by my love of a thank you card and some petty feelings I have about not getting some for very high-value gifts. If you don’t think thank you notes are important, think about how it stands out when you haven’t received one or at a minimum, a thank you text.
Happy thank you note writing!
This is so helpful! I do love a good thank you, like Dido.
And in saying that, I like to do it, but when I’m told by society it has to be done… that’s when I question it? It’s weird! Out of my own thoughtfulness, if I get a card or gift, I’ll write a little letter (sometimes text because honestly I do not have a lot of people’s addresses and how do I ask w/o giving the card away?) but when I was interviewing for my current job last year, I looked up some “do’s and don’t’s” for interviewing and every article was like “thank you notes after the interview, ASAP!!!” and I was so bewildered!
I had a few office jobs before this one, and never wrote a note after an interview, and somehow managed to get the job so I was like why do I have to do it now?? I did write a follow up email to my now current boss, but after being told from numerous articles that it was the RULES I was like what?? Why do I have to participate in a society that requires these rules but also RARELY explains the rules?? I still don’t really have an answer as to why you HAVE to write a letter, besides it just being nice and an extra step. I never learned that in college when preparing to graduate, no one in my high school ever mentioned that, and I just do not come from a family that participates in societal ideals like that. I really only learned this rule in May of 2019 and I’ve been in the work force since 2008! IDK I have a lot of questions and thoughts about thank you notes, I guess! haha
Like I mentioned, I do love a good thank you note, creating one or receiving one. But I think when it comes to the aspect of leveling the playing field, it irks me that I (or someone else) could just receive a job offer because I (or they) sent a thank you card in a day earlier than me… like are skills and talent out the window when it comes to a really random and old “rule”? I don’t THINK I’ve been victim of that, but it really does make me wonder.
Okay, sorry for the rantings of society on your very lovely thank you card guide post! I really did read it and enjoy it. I use a similar template when writing my own – I love writing that extra detail of how you love/use the gift.
Thank you and have a fab day! 🙂