I’ve had the same desktop background for two years. It’s simple. Good things take time. It’s one of the most simple phrases that has been one of the hardest for me to comprehend. Patience is a virtue and I have none of it, but I’m working on it. But more than that, the understanding of time and that good things take time is one of my greatest weaknesses. I am not one to enjoy the journey. I’m one to work as hard as possible to get to the next stop and then never look back, just immediately move on because I’ve got check-boxes to check off. I’m not a journey person, I’m an end-results person. I don’t take time to have the perspective I should about have things.
Good Things Take Time
I’ve been struggling with one thing that I thought I would be by now. I’ve been fixated that because I don’t have this *one* title that I think would make me legit. Often I catch myself telling myself I’m a failure. I’m not working hard enough. I’m not good enough and I need to find way to improve who I am. These are the negative things I tell myself during the week. Then, this weekend I got a tiny second of non-self-doubt, and that reminded me of where I am.
The truth is that in two years, I’ve come very far. I’ve been given responsibilities and I’m in an incredible position where I work. Being entrusted with so much responsibility and ability to work on programs and projects I never thought I would have. One of my dear colleagues told me that I had to start enjoying the journey. It’s true, I know that I do. Really good things have happened in a short time.
I remember my boss telling me that some things truly do just take time to learn. It’s not something that I can read a book on, I have to invest my time to actively learn something. I’d rather just read a book, but she was right. When I look back at everything I’ve learned in these past few years, it was only possible because of time and effort.
So I’m calming myself down. I’m enjoying where I am in the moment. I honestly never thought I was where I would be when I think about it. It’s okay to celebrate that journey, I’m telling myself. I know my time is going to come and I’m going to look at this post and smile. Good things take time.
Time is a healer and also a real arse
One of my best friend’s is waiting on news that a birth mom has chosen them. The only thing she can do is wait. Time. But I also think that she is the epitome of this phrase, it’s been years in the making, but that time is going to make that call and baby the best thing that has ever happened. I can’t wait for that day.
Every article that talks about how to heal or how to get through something pretty much ends this way, do all this, but it’s ultimately going to take time. The one thing that we can’t rush or pause. Time. The great equalizer of us all. No one can do anything about it.
As I think about it, all the things that I want honestly are just taking time. Trying to drop these 10-15lbs that I’ve gained is going to take time. There is no easy fix. Trying to get to the next level at work. It takes time. However, I can’t do anything but truly work on my self-control, discipline and let time pass.
Going through a break-up? It takes time to heal. Sure, there are lots of thing you can do in the short-term, but unfortunately, it just takes time. It takes time to heal, then it takes more time to be able to look back. Then, once you think enough time has passed, it takes time to be able to look back and smile a little and know that you can have some good memories. But it does happen.
Also turns out that there’s not really a good way to end a post on time. Because I’ve spent a lot of time on this close and this is the best I’ve come up with. Perhaps in a year I’ll re-write this because I finally found the right way to end this. The ultimate irony to a blog post on good things take time.
Great post as always! This applies to almost every aspect of life. I’m the same that I’m always focused on the next step/future that I don’t appreciate what’s happening in the here and now. That is just as important – if not more – than the end game, so I think it’s a good reminder for all of us to enjoy the ride. That’s life, after all!
you look gorgeous in that dress. We live in an instant society but you are right good things take time and we must be present and fully enjoy the journey. Because life happens during the journey not those epic or sad moments.
Courtney Hardy
I totally agree with everything you said. I also love the sweater you’re wearing.
Gosh, this is a lesson I need to work on too. I have so many deep thoughts about this but it’s late and I should prob sleep but I just wanted to say that AlyssaLives need to keep happening because I need that wisdom in my life.
I’m happy you realized that you are doing great and that you don’t need to make yourself feel less than. All we have is the journey, there will never be a moment when you can say, okay, I’ve made it, I’m done.