I can’t pretend to be something I’m not. It’s why I don’t like the way that someone does something once and then blogs about how they are the authority on the topic. I’m not an expert in anything. Nor do I ever want to be. Okay I might want to be, but I won’t be. You want to talk about planning an event and seating chart woes? Girl. I. Am. There. For. It. Wedding stuff? LET’S CHAT! However, it feels like in-between the time that a insta-story is posted and then a new photo hits the feed, we’re supposedly all now masters and lifestyle experts. I don’t have space for all of these things that Instagram tells me I should be doing or an expert on.
Hi, I’m Alissa and I am absolutely in no way a lifestyle expert.

Our need for immediate gratification doesn’t jive with the notion of “expert.” It makes us think that an overnight success is a real thing. I always think about how long athletes take to learn a skill. Years and years and years and we see them maybe once in the Olympics. Sacrifices by both them and their families. They deserve the right to be experts. I do not deserve the right to be an expert just because I managed to make a recipe once. Sure, share that great recipe! But don’t be an authority on something you’ve done ONCE.
I may sound a little ranty, but this has been building for a few years so please forgive.
Maybe, just maybe, doing life means we just do life. We do it for the sake of life and not for reporting back on the results. Of course there’s a time and place for sharing (ahem, like now) but maybe 2019 is when we do it for us and not for the sharing glory. Not for blog. Not for the gram. We do it because we want to. It’s a very freeing experience. That’s why I’ve been pretty quiet on Instagram now. I don’t do a lot because I have to and if I don’t have space for it, I don’t force it in. It simply is there for me when I’m ready.

Jumpsuit: RTR (wearing a size 12) | Shoes: Similar, Flats Version | Earrings: Similar, Similar

Jumpsuit: RTR (wearing a size 12) | Shoes: Similar, Flats Version | Earrings: Similar, Similar
I don’t have a lot of space for things right now and I’m fiercely protecting that. Instead of YES that almost caused me to burn out last year, NO is the new yes. Space is the new happiness. Space that I get to define and have it take up what I want. And I don’t have to share any of that if I don’t want to. And that is so freeing.
I’m not going to make space in 2019 for things that aren’t for me. And I’m smiling because I know what this means. More energy to spend with my friends and share life with them. Genuine content I want to bring to you guys. Sharing a life with my fiance and learning to be in the moment. Love.
I hope you find the freedom I have in choosing the things that are for you, and even more freedom in the things that aren’t for you.
Between my demanding job and trying to have a life i don’t have the time to be an expert at nothing. So with you on this and you look fabulous in pink.
Love where you’re coming from here! Everyone obviously needs to start living in the now and doing things just because – not just for the sake of sharing!
Sincerely, Jennie
This is so true! You can’t become an expert overnight. But then again, try to make room for things you CAN become an expert in. For example, I work in communications all day, so yeah, I’m allowed to say I’m an expert in content and writing. I’m trying to bring more of that to the table this year.
Lisa M
Hear, hear! I couldn’t agree more. I think we all got a bit caught up in the sharing and jumping on the bandwagon, but life’s way too short to be caring about anything other than living the best and most authentic life we can. I’ve personally backed off the social media pedal except when I feel like looking or sharing, and that’s not too often these days. I’m too busy sitting in the late afternoon sun, enjoying the breeze on my skin or making art or reading or spending time with the people I care about. I need some downtime when I can find it – no arguments!
I love this! I often get asked why I blog and it’s simply because I just do – it is for me. It’s time to write about what you want about and what you care about.
xo Logan
You are so right about everyone claiming to be an ‘expert’ or rather, claiming they are not an expert, but writing a whole post acting as if they are the authority on the subject all the same!
I feel like sometimes it’s not even okay to share feelings until they have been resolved, everything fit into a box and tied up with a perfect bow. You can only share your brokenness once you’ve been fixed, your failures once you’ve had a success, your lows once you are again at a high.
Maybe I’m over thinking this, but it’s true, we waste a lot of time and energy on perception.
Chic on the Cheap