In a world that requires publishing a steady stream of content, often that adds nothing, I’ve found five articles that I consistently read or send to friends. These aren’t fluff pieces but also aren’t weighty – they’re filled with simple, realistic advice that you can actually quickly apply to your life. I hope you find these as helpful as I do.
Your article-referring friend Alissa
How to Become an Excellent Gift Giver
I love, love, love being a good gift giver. But I continually am curious about what makes a good gift to other people. This article is one I refer to a lot and have send to many friends. I really like Allie’s work and find myself excited when I see new content from her. (In fact, as I am compiling this article I am realizing many are from her.) Read article here.

How to Comfort Someone When They’re Sad
This article nails it, the simplest way to be there for someone is also the hardest. Starting a conversation. Read the article here. I admittedly struggle with this – I really sometimes am not sure how to start the conversation. I know it is better to start one than not reach out, but it truly sometimes feels so hard to think of the right way to enter a delicate conversation.

How to Know When You’re Getting Good Advice
I think this article really nails a lot of important things but one of which is this – do you actually even want advice? Many times I realize (as the person is mid-feedback) I do not, I just want a space to talk. Read article here.

How to Ask for What You Want in Life and Work
This one says what needs to be said. Before you can ask life and work for what you want, you really, really need to know what you want. This article is always a gut check for me to ensure I’m aware of what I want so I can better know how to ask for it. Read the article here.

How to Bond with a Stranger
I have yet to meet a person who isn’t trying to make friends as an adult. Better yet, I have yet to meet someone who doesn’t lament about this topic. Truthfully I’ve had really good experiences bonding with strangers and making friends and I do credit this article for helping me! Read the article here.