Hey! I was hoping I could post the “big” post before this one but I’m just not quite ready yet. I know I will be someday, but for now I am taking this baby step back into blogging. Anyway, November! It has also been an insane travel month and I have loved it soooo much! I’ve been to Rochester, Knoxville, Nashville, Jacksonville, Kansas City and Colorado Springs.
Fashion and Beauty
So… I did some shopping this month. I also got some real misses which I was bummed about but my budget was happy for.
- This jumpsuit (what I’m wearing in the photos above) is the absolute MVP of wedding season and you need it. It’s cheap as heck.
- I got this pullover that I NEVER thought I would buy! I have always avoided this brand but I saw it and the price was perfect. I got it and I have LIVED in it at home and on the weekends.
- I splurged on this Burberry belt. I refused to get a Gucci one because around here everyone wears the fake and no one appreciates the real one. I wanted a simple, classic belt and this one is unique and gorgeous! I love that it’s also reversible in a gorgeous brown!
- I got my first Cynthia Rowley dress and I lovveee it! It’s not a fall dress for sure but I love that it’s long so I’ve fudged it a little.
- I got this Madewell sweater but instantly returned it. The color was stunning but the cut just wasn’t quite right. However, this sweater is gorgeous and extremely flattering, especially if you have a chest!
- Beauty: I got my favorite fall lipstick (Capricious) and a new red. Of course I needed a stock-up on my Wander eye masks and have tried out this AMAZING tinted moisturizer.
- Bonus fun purchase: I got this dress as part of a costume for going to see Schitt’s Creek Live. I would not say that it is what I usually would want to wear, but it’s perfect for the character. Oh and this exact necklace was worn by the Alexis Rose that my friend Amy and I did an “inspired” outfit by.
Some of My Favorite Items Right Now
You all know I hate jeans, but I’ve been on a mission to find a pair that I like! I have found a pair from Ella Moss (seen below) that has made me be willing to try “casual Friday” in a truly more casual sense. I’m trying more jeans from this brand and hopefully will get to do a review soon.

Life with (Friends) Kids
I’ve been pretty open about being worried about how having kids changes friendships. Since the break-up, I’ve gotten to really spend time with my friends and their kids. And honestly? It’s been amazing. Nope, I have no baby fever when I’m around them and I’m ready to tap out after hours, but I love them so much. I love getting to Duo them after work to say hi. It’s been a really wonderful month that I got to spend time with them one-on-one. I’m so thankful that I have so many wonderful tiny humans in my life who love me.
I love my therapist. I cannot stress how important she has been in me healing through the break-up and starting to find happiness again. She’s recommended such incredible homework exercises and books (this one) that has been truly life-changing. Travel sometimes gets in the way of being able to consistently see her, but when I am in town she is my highest priority to see so I can do a check-in.
Another highlight was my sister Wendy and I being able to talk about our therapy experiences. Openness about mental health isn’t a normal topic in our family and it was a really wonderful moment being able to discuss openly in front of our family.
I’ve loved work lately. I feel like this season of personal life I’m in is happening to allow me to grow and put all that I can into work. My boss has been entrusting me and empowering me to take my ideas and letting me run (with guidance) them. I hosted a workshop last week that I put my heart and soul into. I mean, I was physically and mentally exhausted after I was done. I knew that I had told the narrative I wanted to, but I wasn’t sure what everyone thought. Impostor syndrome reared it’s head. What do I have to offer these people? Why would they listen to me?
After I was done I sat down and sighed. I put EVERYTHING into it. I was working and two women came up to me, thanking me. Then the next day I got feedback that it was “soul moving” and I about cried. It has been so rewarding and I’m glad that life is letting me experience this fully.
I feel like October and November were entire months of “re”-everything. Reconnecting, reinvigorating, returning items, all of the re-things. Some of the re-things have’t been so great, but starting to reconnect with friends and some family has really been a highlight. It’s made me really appreciate those friendships with people that you can pick up no matter how long it’s been. It’s also been a good time to re-invest into the amazing relationships I have. My support system has shown up for me in incredible ways and I cannot thank them enough for that.
Before You Go…
It’s been really wonderful to finally feel like I could publish something. I haven’t quite felt free to publish what I want yet, but I’ve had so much I want to say and I know this is a first step. Thank you so much for your love, emails, messages and support!
Emily K
Welcome back, baby! Loved reading this catch up. You’re thriving and I’m so proud. xo, Em
You post whenever you’re ready, but we’re all just so glad that you’re back!
Welcome back! Glad things are slowly but surely looking up for you – I’ve thought of you often. Totally getting that jumpsuit now that I know it has your seal of approval. You look beautiful in it!
Just sayin’,
I’ve missed your posts – happy to see you appear in my feed again <3
Welcome back Gorgeous! Your tribe has missed you so much, and certainly we all understand. You are AMAZING! Keep doing what you are doing, it looks good on you! 😉
Patricia Fuller
My gorgeous, intelligent, loving, kind, beautiful (not enough words here 🙂 ) friend. You are RIGHT on track with your life, because you are in control & making the most important decisions, for YOU! That in itself makes me soo proud of you. Recognizing where you are in life, accepting it, being able to share what you want when you want & not succumbing to all the pressures social media can drop on your beautiful head!! I love hearing that you have “November loves” and you look amazing!!! Still just as beautiful & foxy as ever. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Wishing you nothing but joy sweetie. Joy, contentment, love, a calm loving heart <3 love you to Saturn & back, because its further <3
Welcome back! It is good to see your face again. You’ve been missed!