Normally I Don’t Struggle to Get to 10
But this month is different. I feel like I blinked and have no idea where June was. But not in a busy way, in a mentally foggy way. I didn’t find a ton to love about this month, but I couldn’t pick out 10 things I didn’t like in June. It’s just a weird place in life and I don’t feel like sugarcoating it. I didn’t really work on wedding stuff but what I had to and I’m trying to not pick out every single negative thing about myself. So here’s to making July great and having a great summer!
What a Difference a Year Makes
Last June, I asked you all that if you knew anyone who was considering adoption, to please reach out. My best friend Sarah and her husband were trying to adopt and unfortunately, hadn’t been selected. Well, exactly one year later, I’m planning the shower for Miss Cecilia the first weekend in July and yesterday I babysat her to give her parents a break!
I think that because we didn’t have a traditional time period to think about all the changes that were going to happen (including friendship changes) it was kind of perfect. Instead of being worried about how our friendship would change, it’s been a real focus on celebrating Cecilia and Sarah becoming a mom. I’m of course also in a different place in life when my friends first started having kids so we’re all in a season of understanding that keeps us united and strong in our relationships.
Fashion and Beauty
With pretty much everything needing to go towards the wedding, there were very few exciting purchases I made this month.
The biggest one? This Tumi work backpack. As much as I LOVE my backpack (seen here), I’ve had two of them and with my new role at work, I need extra, extra room to carry things to events AND it needs to be more ergonomic for travel. This bag is a splurge, but also has more room than I know what to do with and for short work trips, all I need is the bag!
I found these Lululemon pants on super sale and right now I am living in yoga pants after work (not even shorts, just meshy yoga pants). I love all the mesh paneling and of course, Lulu’s compression is the best!
If you don’t want to splurge on my usual Wander eye masks, I highly recommend THESE! I LOVE them because they are NO mess and perfect for applying anywhere, everywhere. They come in packs of eight which is even better. I put them on and fall asleep and don’t have to worry about waking up with them having moved.
If you’re feeling a bit of shopping FOMO, you can check out last month as many of those items are still on sale!

I don’t want to get into a ton of details, but my friends have really been there for me in ways this month they still don’t know about. Whether it’s been really hard conversations, honestly saying I don’t have the strength to talk about it and understanding, taking me out for fundraisers as their +1, all of it. Even just like literally leaving me alone. They’ve been there for me and I am very thankful.
Love your friends fiercely and tell them how much they mean often. And know that you can’t pour from an empty cup. You need to refill your cup so that you can be strong for them when they need you to be for them.
Accepting Where Your Body Is
Something that I’ve become aware of in my late 20’s is where my lovely body fat is going. It’s shifting where I gain weight and I’ve had to become okay with it. My arms have really been bothering me, especially in context of the wedding. Yes I’ve been doing some arm toning exercises but the reality is this, it’s not a lost cause but I also can’t punish myself for where I am. If it wasn’t my arms for the wedding it would be my thighs for the summer. I’m really trying to work on seeing things for being what they are and trying to be okay with that. My arms don’t detract from my smile. My arms don’t take away my value. I’m attempting to repeat this to myself as many times as I need until I believe it.
Huge congrats to your friend becoming a mom! What an exciting time for her. I think accepting yourself wherever you are is always the hardest. Don’t get me started on how much I hate my arms. Maybe I need to try your mantras.
Chic on the Cheap