I really love the idea of having a monthly series, mostly because it means I have enough control and planning in my life to commit to one. I always love little snippets into people’s lives that don’t necessarily fall into their blog category. So here’s 10 things that I’ve been loving this March!

Life Stuff
Leon Bridges New Songs – I was SO excited when I got notified that Leon released two new songs this month! Leon is a time traveler. Every person I have ever introduced them to his music has said exactly that. We do not deserve this sweet, innocent, big-band, jazz, soul singer that moves like an angel. Think I am overselling it? Please watch these videos and tell me that I am. He’s incredible in concert and if you ever have the chance, you absolutely have to go see him.
Who doesn’t love these lyrics?
I don’t worry, don’t worry, don’t worry about people in my face
I hit ‘em with the style and grace, and watch their ankles break
Sunrise Alarm Clock – Although this hasn’t made me magically wake up at 5 am like I wanted, I still have to credit this will waking up earlier going decently well. Although I LOVE that we have extra daylight now, I forgot that it means it’s darker in the morning! My favorite way to wake up is with the sunrise but I’d be late to work if that happened now. For under $30 this thing is totally worth it.
Plant SuperThrive – Thank God winter is over because I hated seeing Winstead the Fiddle Leaf Fig be dormant. This spring he already has a new leaf and he’s doing great since being transplanted. I completely credit this weird stuff for kicking him into growth mode.
Beauty & Style
Nuxe Lip Balm – I was not convinced this was anything more than glorified Carmex. Then my friend Marit got it for me for my birthday. It has changed my life. Not only does this moisturize all day AND all night, but it’s an amazing primer for my favorite new red lipstick that only comes in pencil. It has the perfect amount of hydration and “balmyness” (for lack of a better description) to work alllllll day and night. It is expensive, but I am protecting that tub with my life because I am determined that I am going to finish a whole jar without losing it.
A CUTE Laptop Backpack – I have a 15 inch laptop for work and I purposely wanted a bigger one. However, nothing really fits it and I’ve been carrying it around in a tote bag and also a purse. To say it has been annoying is an under statement. Then this bag came into my life and CHANGED EVERYTHING. I can’t wait to do a more thorough review of it.

These emerald heels – It’s hard to say enough about how much I love these shoes. They were on my wishlist for quite a while and then I took the plunge. Yes, they do APPEAR to be simply emerald heels, but they are so much more! The curve of the heel has made two architectural nerds comment on them. The way they have a slight 70’s mod feel to them but also a little futuristic is my favorite. I’ve worn these to Target, work, after work events, pretty much anywhere I can justify wearing heels. Basically everywhere but to bed. That you know of.
Under Eye Masks – It’s not a secret I’m obsessed with K-Beauty. This love has now spread to under eye masks. Almost every weekend I do these patches and even when I absolutely look like trash, I can see a difference. Plus they just feel good. You can snag a whole pack of them often at TJ Maxx for about $4 if you want to try them for a steal. My favorite masks are current these, these and these.
This Madwell Dress – I came. I saw. I bought. I have no regrets.
A Date with Dateline – Okay so I actually don’t even like Dateline that much. I just love this podcast and that I can listen to it in half the time as watching an episode and get amazing commentary from two die-hard Dateline fans. I spent an entire weekend binging their podcast and I am now a self-proclaimed expert on Dateline. The most important lesson I’ve learned from the podcast? Make sure you wear clothes and a hairstyle that ages well. Dateline repeats so often and you need to make sure you are smart about those two things.
Dirty John – Also one that I learned about from A Date with Dateline. This one is kind of a TL;DR situation, but please give it your ears. The ending is SO satisfying which is even better because it’s real life which means karma is REAL, ADT has a shout-out (although not a good one but whatever, I’ll take hearing my company name randomly) and you can get through it so fast. I wish there was more episodes, but it ends perfectly and I don’t want to ever have a Serial season 2 disappointment again in my life.
I can’t believe it’s almost April! The first quarter at work is always a blur for me but for some reason this year it feel like it’s 10x faster than before. Normally March is kind of a meh month for me but it’s actually been a really great one. I’ve been able to up my skincare game AND combine that with my love of podcasts which is just feeds into my nerdiness about being productive. Wow, that statement really makes me sound boring.
Also, I need more podcast suggestions! I’ve binged through all the popular ones (MFM, Serial, Criminal, HSW, StartUp, FoodStuff, etc) and I need more for flights! What should I listen to? Also, I need to know the next houseplant I should get! One of mine is not doing so hot and I want to know what you think would look good in the house. Tell me what to do basically is what I am saying, probably the only time I’ll ever ask for that.
these heels are killer, I love listening to 10% happier. I love podcasts.
Love these types of posts – planning to implement something similar over on my rebranded site next month. 🙂 I have yet to jump onto the Podcast train, but it seems like there’s so many good things to listen to. That laptop backpack is so cute!
Ok, those heels are GORGEOUS! The emerald green color is beautiful! And that Madewell dress is too cute! It just screams Spring!
I love this post so much. I felt like we just had coffee and caught up. I’m starting Dirty John for my next podcast. xoxoxoxo
Whitney Damrau & Blaire Bingham
I am in love with those heels! I really need to try the SuperThrive. My fig is looking sad lately. Hopefully it will help! Please commit to these types of posts, I loved it!
Whitney & Blaire
Peaches In A Pod
I always love these kinds of favorites posts, so I am glad you’re doing them now! I’ve never heard of either of those podcasts, so I’m going to have to give them a listen.
My favorite podcast is How I Built This. Each episode is around an hour long and each time he interviews a different person about how they went about creating their company. Think Kate Spade, the creator of Patagonia, Spanx, etc. All of the episodes are so well done, you learn something about these businesses, and you take away more knowledge about how hard it is to make a business work, but so inspired by these individuals! It’s a really good one!
xo Mary-Katherine
I love posts like this!! I always come back to doing some sort of round-up like this because I like a spot to share all my favorites of the moment. Hoping to have mine up next week-ish (I’m thinking quarterly!)
I looove Leon Bridges and you are so right – I am impressed by how he’s made that old school sound so mainstream!
I’m intrigued by a Date With Dateline – is it like commentary on episodes or what is it actually about? I loved Dirty John too, that ending was INSANE!
Great idea for a monthly series! And I love Leon Bridges too! I was lucky enough to see him in concert here in Vancouver last year. It was such a great performance.
Lee | LegalLee Blonde
Shannon Jenkins
Omg how gorgeous are those heels?! Im in love with the color!
<3 Shannon
Upbeat Soles
Sarah | Shades of Sarah
I’m a big fan of Switched on Pop, even though I’m not a self described “music” person. And what about a yuca plant?
Those heels are beyond. What a show-stopper statement piece! I love the colour.
Those shoes are amazing! Thanks for the podcast suggestions. I’m always looking for new ones. My favorite podcasts lean more towards interviews (The Skinny Confidential, Tim Ferriss, Freakonomics, The School of Greatness). I really like this series!
Nicole to the Nines
The Sporkful and Gastropod are fun ones if you like food!
This is a pretty interesting list. I agree, he got some moves to showcase.
StyleSprinter Blog by Katya Bychkova
I have been wanting to try a sunrise alarm clock! I wake up earlier than my husband, sorry not sorry 😉
Such a good round up — I love a random mix of things and have also been getting into podcasts. Will have to check out that first one!